Monday, January 17, 2011


Driving from Sacramento through Mount shasta one last time and towards Seattle to drop off our cars to be shipped to Alaska.

 I arrived in Seattle yesterday and enjoyed touring the city all day today. First we stopped by Pike's Place market. You know? The place with all the fish throwing? Anyways, its famous for the fish market. If you've ever watched a video on being a "team player" at work you've probably seen this place.
We had some delicious fish and chips for lunch right by the oceanside in a restaurant thats over 103 years old!

The Underground of Seattle was also our destination for the day. We learned all sort of fun facts about the first floor of the pioneer's square. Did you know seattle's main streets are the second floor? everything started at sea level and was built up from there, in a rather idiotic way...but history is history.
Me in the underground! : )

 If you ever find yourself walking through Pioneer's square in downtown seattle look at the side walks and you'll see little shapes of colored glass that actually looks into the underground!
View from below! : ) It was beautiful with the sunlight coming in. A good set up for a modern art piece i might just try and paint. the history of Seattle's buildings and city was all very interesting but there was one thing I wanted to see the most...
The Famous troll under the Aurora bridge! as seen on 10 things i hate about you. It was huge and entirely made of cement, it also includes an actual Volkswagen bug under the troll's hand. Something I've always wanted to visit for whatever reason. Its just so random and cool! : )
Tomorrow my plane leaves for Anchorage Alaska at 6 a.m. : ( but then I will officially live in alaska.


  1. Very cool... WOw, Alaska.. You can do it! Remember you can always call us!

  2. We went on that duck ride and went by that street where the troll was.....that was interesting! I'd like to do that underground tour sometime....I think Portland has one too????? Not sure! See you got a down jacket!!! Stay warm!!! You have ugg's ..... you'll be fine! Rosie was commenting on the people in the mall in San Jose wearing Ugg's....why do they need Ugg's in 60 degree weather!!!! Take care...Hugs! Cathy
