Saturday, October 15, 2011

Banana bread recipe!

I have made way too many banana loafs but in this case just enough to have the perfect recipe! At least I think so and Reine as well. He eats most of the things I bake. Love him for it! He's the best food critic : )
I've been making so much banana bread because I have so many over ripe bananas! I've been volunteering at the food bank in town and at the end of the day you take a portion of the food they receive. Anything from canned foods, lunch leftovers and produce thats about to go bad...I choose the bananas every time. They are perfect for this!

The ingredients you will need:

4 large very ripe bananas! the darker the better!
2 Large eggs
1/2 cup of granulated sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup fat free vanilla or plain yogurt
5 Tbs of butter, melted
1 and 1/2 cups of whole wheat or white flour.
1 Tbs of baking soda
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp all-spice
1/2 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees! or more if needed, my over here really sucks. Thats why I hate new ovens. So I bought an oven thermometer and its helps!

Combine and blend together the butter, eggs, bananas and yogurt. Add sugars and stir until smooth.

Add all remaining dry ingredients. My recommendation is to add spices to the sugar mixture first then add the flour.

Pour batter into a 9 x 15-inch loaf pan coated with cooking spray.

Bake for 55 minutes or until a tooth pick can be inserted and taken out without any gooey.

To make muffins with this recipe combine ingredients as directed then coat a muffin pan with cooking spray. Bake for about 25-30 mins depending, instead of the 55 for the loaf.

To add some spice to your end result combine
1/3 cup powdered sugar with either
low fat milk or orange juice. Depending on your preference.

I like the orange juice topping myself. : )



  1. I am going to make some right now....I have 2 very black bananas!!! :D.....thanks!

  2. Well, I used part of your recipe...used 1/2 turbantate surgery and splenda, sour cream....I have never used a tablespoon of baking powder in a recipe...I will see how it turns out...the batter tasted good! Also, cinnamon and all spice in banana bread...use those more in pumpkin but I did it and so far it tastes ok uncooked!!! Only used 2 black bananas also. made one mini loaf and 24 mini muffins :) Enjoy the now!!!

  3. I want you to tell me how much baking soda is suppose to be in this tablespoon or one teaspoon!!!! I think you mean one teaspoon...1 Tablespoon is written 1 Tbsp and 1 teaspoon is written 1 tsp...let me know!!!

  4. Hahaha whoops! That is definitely one TEASPOON! my bad. Hope they turned out ok~
