Saturday, October 15, 2011

I love saturdays.

I love sleeping in. I love sleep. Sleep sleep sleep. : ) I wake up at 6 am every single day and stay up past 12 every single night, saturdays are the only day I get to sleep in. Once I woke up without an alarm clock around 10 I decided to make something special for breakfast.

Cinnamon roll pancakes!! I got the recipe off of

 Yumm! These pancakes are not healthy! But they are delicious!

You have to add the cream cheese frosting because at this point who are you kidding. Go big or the gym. 

1 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
1 Tablespoon canola oil
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1/2 cup butter, melted
3/4 cup brown sugar, packed
1 Tablespoon ground cinnamon
4 Tablespoons butter
2 ounces cream cheese
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

After cleaning up after breakfast and cleaning the entire house I finally sat down to finish the painting I started a while ago! This is the finished piece! It already has a home. My friend Sydney in SLO was the first person to ever buy one of my paintings and I knew she would love this one. : )

This is one of the largest pieces I have completed I feel so accomplished! : )
This week I have been super productive. I got all of my assignments and studying done a whole week early, cleaned the whole house, and finished this piece. Yay go me.


  1. That is such a nice painting go girl!!!! Paint me something....I like nature, flowers.... cats, etc.....what do you charge?????

  2. hahaha I don't charge a thing! But I will paint you something soon. : ) oh and thank you!
